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Nature Lives (USED)

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Based on an intensive year-long study of the river and its surrounding regions, this is an engrossing portrait of the river and the people who live along its banks. Along with the stories of the people is the natural history of the river, a river and an ecosystem under seige. Author River Walk tour down the Delaware.

New Garden Encyclopedia - A Complete, Practical and Convenient Guide to Every Detail of Gardening (USED)

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NOLS Wildnerness Ethics: Valuing and Managing Wild Places (USED)

NOLS Wilderness Ethics: Valuing and Managing Wild Places (USED)

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- New edition of a NOLS classic; the definitive book on environmental ethics and their relation to managing wildlands - An excellent introduction to all relevant federal agencies and legislation - Objectively examines various perspectives on difficult ethical questions Originally published in 1992 as An Introduction to Wildland Ethics and Management, this fully revised and updated edition is a powerful tool for understanding the challenges facing wilderness in the United States today. Beginning with the premise that land management must be informed by a well-developed wilderness ethic, the authors delve into some of the thorniest problems in environmental ethics, exploring them in clear, straightforward language: What is wilderness? Why should it be protected? Do animals have rights? Do trees? When should wilderness concerns trump individual priorities? The book also provides a fascinating history of the wilderness movement in America and gives a comprehensive survey of the legislation and agency structures that define wildlands management today. Essential reading for land managers, activists, policymakers, or anyone else who cares about the future of wilderness in the United States.


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Few animals interest us as much as our relatives the great apes, and among these primates orangutans have a special appeal. The orangutan ("man of the forest" in the Malay language) is highly intelligent, creating and using tools in the wild, solving problems and puzzles in captivity--and manipulating symbols in a way that makes some scientists suspect that this fellow creature might someday master language.

A natural history of orangutans by one of the world's foremost researchers on the species, this book provides an introduction that is at once engagingly accessible and in-depth. Here readers will encounter orangutans, the only great apes in Asia, in their ever-shrinking habitat, the rain forests of Sumatra, Indonesia, and Borneo.

This book delves into their history, their habits, their endangered status, and what studies--many conducted by the author himself--have told us about how orangutans learn, think, and feel.

Outdoor Explorers: Take A Hike Field Journal Activity Nature Book with Stickers for Adventurous Kids (USED)

Outdoor Explorers: Take A Hike Field Journal Activity Nature Book with Stickers for Adventurous Kids (USED)

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Attention, Outdoor Explorers: Let's take a hike! Explore the magic of nature on the trail, in the trees, at the pond ... and maybe right in your own backyard. With this book you'll discover interesting facts about nature all around you, and you can use it to record what you see in the book's observation logs -- just like a real explorer! Designed for kids to take out into nature and explore firsthand, the book includes interesting facts, observation logs, reflection prompts, activities, games, crafts, and more! Also includes a magnifying glass and stickers to use while exploring.

  • Discover interesting information about the nature around you, including what's in your own backyard! This exciting book is designed to go take on the trail with you as well as help you explore what's in your own neighborhood and backyard!
  • Loaded with fun activities: Scavenger hunts, hiking and observation logs, learn to draw animals, crafting with nature such as building a bird house, reflective journaling, bird bingo, and more!
  • Fun facts and activities about flowers, trees, insects, birds, amphibians, and animals are included.
  • Spiral-bound to lay flat and so notes and drawings can be entered with ease.
  • Includes stickers to help complete tasks and a magnifying glass to deeper explore nature!
  • Penguin the Magpie (USED)

    Penguin the Magpie (USED)

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    "A triumph that will make your heart soar" (Sy Montgomery, author of The Soul of an Octopus), this true story follows a family's journey of recovery, hope, and courage as they nurse an injured magpie back to health--from the New York Times bestselling author of The Blue Day Book.

    When Sam Bloom suffers a near fatal fall during a vacation, she is left paralyzed and deeply depressed. One of their three sons, reeling from the tragic accident, discovers an injured magpie chick abandoned after she had fallen from her nest. The boys name the bird Penguin, for her black-and-white plumage. As they nurse Penguin back to health, the incredible joy, playfulness, and strength she exudes fortify the family and especially lift Sam's spirits.

    "A unique and remarkable insight into a family dealing with tragedy and finding their way through it with love, courage, and hope" (Naomi Watts), Penguin the Magpie reminds us all that, no matter how lost, fragile, or damaged we feel, accepting the love of others and loving them in return will help to make us whole.

    Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas (USED)

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    Raymond L. Ditmars: His Exciting Career with Reptiles, Animals, and Insects (USED)

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    Reader's Digest Nature in America: Your -to-Z Guide to Our Country's Animals, Plants, Landforms and Other Natural Features (USED)

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    In 456 beautifully illustrated, fact-filled pages that delve into all aspects of the great outdoors, Nature in America does the work of a whole shelf of ordinary nature books. The core of this authoritative reference guide is an encyclopedia of nature in North America. 1,200 entries. 1,000 full-color photos and illustrations.
    Save Our Land, Save our Towns: A Plan for Pennsylvania (USED)

    Save Our Land, Save our Towns: A Plan for Pennsylvania (USED)

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    A strategic plan for Pennsylvania to preserve farmland and forests and revive our cities and neighborhoods.