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Most of S.J. Perelman (USED)

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Mother's Guide to the Meaning of Life (USED)

Mother's Guide to the Meaning of Life (USED)

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The Mother's Guide to the Meaning of Life is the third in a series of books designed to find the extraordinary in the everyday. Here author Amy Krouse Rosenthal explores the joys and pitfalls of parenting in a way that mothers everywhere will recognize and appreciate. Rosenthal, who has written for The New York Times and Redbook, offers a series of essays, anecdotes, vignettes and asides, and she explores the universal themes of motherhood, from guilt and inadequacy to joy and magic to the astonishing sense of self-discovery that comes with being a mother. With wit, understanding, and hilarity, Rosenthal covers everything from "What I've Learned About Humility" to a mother's occasional, secret fantasy to run away from it all. Her fresh, Seinfeld-esque humor taps into the minutiae of everyday life with "that-is-so-true" insight and sets itself apart with its smart, witty, and delightfully quirky nature.

My Rhode Island (USED)

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My Teenage Son's Goal In Life Is To Make Me Feel 3,500 Years Old (USED)

My Teenage Son's Goal In Life Is To Make Me Feel 3,500 Years Old (USED)

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Dave Barry isn't just funny. His hilarious syndicated newspaper column and numerous best-selling books have sparked the kind of adulation that's often reserved for rock stars or world leaders. His wit cuts right to the core of life's absurdities.In My Teenage Son's Greatest Goal in Life Is to Make Me Feel 3,500 Years Old and Other Thoughts on Parenting from Dave Barry, Dave shares his hopes, fears, and insights about his own stint as a father. Most people make babies out to be very complicated, but the truth is they have only three moods: Mood One: Just about to cry. Mood Two: Crying. Mood Three: Just finished crying.
Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity; Why Everything You Know is Wrong (USED)

Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity; Why Everything You Know is Wrong (USED)

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A mericas favorite investigative reporter, John Stossel, tackles our favorite myths in his characteristic style and challenges us to look at life differently. Myths and Misconceptions covered in the book include: lIs the media unbiased lAre our schools helping or hurting our kids lDo singles have a better sex life than married people lDo we have less free time than we used to lIs outsourcing bad for American workers lSuburban sprawl is ruining America. lMoney makes people happier. lThe world is too crowded. lWere drowning in garbage. lProfiteering is evil. lSweatshops exploit people. John Stossel takes on these and many more misconceptions, misunderstandings, and plain old stupidity in this collection that will offer much to love for Give Me a Break fans, and show everyone why conventional wisdomeconomic, political, or socialis often wrong.

New Yorker Cartoon Album 1975-1985 (USED)

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New Yorker Cartoon Album 1975-1985 (USED)

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No Laughing Matter: A Collection of Political Jokes (USED)

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No Wonder My Parents Drank; Tales from a Stand Up Dad (USED)

No Wonder My Parents Drank; Tales from a Stand Up Dad (USED)

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YOU'LL NEVER SLEEP IN THIS TOWN AGAINFrom Saturday Night Live to stand-up, from a blockbuster film career to the star of CBS's hit television show Gary Unmarried, Jay Mohr is one of the funniest people in comedy today. Now, in this down and dirty tale of modern fatherhood, Mohr shares his stories as a first-time parent. No Wonder My Parents Drank reveals the details behind Mohr's humiliating test-tube conception attempts and then recounts the trauma of not only having to keep this child alive, but having to spend time alone with him! He waxes poetic about dirty diapers; spins theories on spanking; and mulls over the more hidden advantages of parenthood, like carpool lane access, carte blanche to use the ladies restroom, and an alibi for missing family dinners. Mohr describes, in painfully funny detail, the bizarre situations that all parents inevitably face but can never prepare for (such as when his kid discovered his dog's rear end) as well as moments of pure joy like taking his son to his first baseball game. Mohr reports on the hilarious wisdom that his son, Jackson, has taught him--like why it's fun to play Kissy Boy with the other boys at recess, how important sunscreen is for avoiding a sunborn, and how awesome it is to get a rainbow belt in karate.Riotously acerbic and refreshingly honest, No Wonder My Parents Drank casts the very funny Jay Mohr with an even funnier mini-me sidekick as a supporting character in a little comedic love story that every person who either is a parent or has a parent will find delightful.
Not Cool; The Hipster Elite and Their War on You (USED)

Not Cool; The Hipster Elite and Their War on You (USED)

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Behind every awful, dangerous decision lurks one evil beast: the Cool.
From politics to the personal, from fashion to food, from the campus to the locker room, the desire to be cool has infected all aspects of our lives. At its most harmless, it is annoying. At its worst, it is deadly, on a massive scale. The Cool are the termites of life, infiltrating every nook and cranny and destroying it from within. The Cool report the news, write the scripts, teach our children, run our government and each day they pass judgment on those who don t worship at the altar of their coolness. The cool fawn over terrorists, mock the military, and denigrate employers. They are, in short, awful people.
From what we wear and what we eat, to what we smoke and who we poke, pop culture is crafted and manipulated by the cool and, to Greg Gutfeld, that's Not Cool.
How do the cool enslave you? By convincing you that:
- If you don't agree with them no one will like you.
- If you don't follow them you will miss out on life.
- If you don't listen to them you will die a lonely loser
How do you vanquish the cool and discover your own true self? Read this book.
In Not Cool, Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of The Joy Of Hate, lays out the battle plan for reclaiming the real American ideal of cool--building businesses, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your actions, and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please. Not Cool fights back against the culture of phonies, elitists, and creeps who want your soul. It s not a book, it s a weapon and one should be armed with it at all times."