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Drama & Plays

A Doll's House (USED)

A Doll's House (USED)

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Nora Helmer, wife to Torvald and mother of three children, appears to enjoy living the life of a pampered, indulged child. But as her economic dependence becomes brutally clear, Nora's acceptance of the status quo undergoes a profound change. To the horror of the bewildered Torvald, himself caught in the tight web of a conservative society which demands that he exert strict control, Nora comes to see that the only possible true course of action is to leave the family home.
A Man for All Seasons (USED)

A Man for All Seasons (USED)

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The dramatization of Sir Thomas More's historic conflict with Henry VIII--a compelling portrait of a courageous man who died for his convictions and a modern classic that "challenges the mind, and, in the end, touches the heart" (New York Times).

Sir Thomas More--the brilliant nobleman, lawyer, humanist, author of such works as Utopia--was a long-time friend and favorite of Henry VIII, ascending to the position of Lord Chancellor in 1529. Yet he was also a staunch Catholic, and when Henry broke with the Church in 1531 after the Pope had refused to grant him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, More resigned the Chancellorship. In 1534, Parliament passed a bill requiring all subjects to take an oath acknowledging the supremacy of England's king over all foreign sovereigns--including the Pope. More refused, was imprisoned, and finally was executed in 1535.
Axis of Beginning

Axis of Beginning

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After a lengthy absence Raymond visits his brother Fred, sister-in-law Elizabeth, and her cousin Christine. Raymond has become a Christian and is passionate about sharing the good news, but Fred is an atheist and will have nothing to do with it.

This story presents a conversation between Christianity and Atheism by asking challenging questions, such as:
Can morality be a by-product of materialism? Has intelligent design become the new science paradigm, establishing Darwinism technologically obsolete? Are Genesis and the Big Bang the same story? Did WMAP and the Planck satellite's data of the cosmic microwave background reveal a universe aligned with Earth and the solar system, which may show Genesis as history? And isn't it time we begin educating our children with the facts regarding both sides of the debate-or better yet, that the argument even exists?

Barefoot in the Park (USED)

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Choice (The); A Tragedy in Tgree Acts

Choice (The); A Tragedy in Three Acts

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This work is a dramatization of actual historical events. In 1590, during the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598), the small city of Leucate, France, was under siege by allied French and Spanish Catholic forces. The event was part of more than a century of social change and upheaval brought about by the rise of Protestantism in Europe and the consequent challenge to the authority of the Holy Roman Church. Leucate's governor at the time was Jean de Boursiez, seigneur de Pantnaut de Barri. His capture during the siege and the subsequent actions of his wife, Françoise de Cezelly (1558 - 1615), are the subject of this play. It was originally published in 1832, and has now been re-discovered and brought to you here.

Crucible (USED)

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Eight Plays: (A Doll's House, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, Rosmersholm, An Enemy of the People, The Lady from the Sea, Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder) (USED)

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Gathers English translations of eight plays by the Norwegian dramatist.

Elijah PolitiKally InKorreKt Prophet

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Fried Catfish; A Screenplay

Fried Catfish; A Screenplay

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Have you ever been scammed in the name of love? Have you wondered what it would be like to bring that scammer to justice? That is what Laurie did. A middle-aged, divorced woman with teenage daughters from the Midwest innocently looking for love on a dating website finds herself "catfished" and willingly gives all her savings to a total stranger for the hope of true love.

With the help of an unsuspecting, undercover, modern day female crime fighter and a short, hairy former actor from the entertainment industry, Laurie finds herself in Malta in situations she never imagined trying to find her catfish and the real villain behind it.

Catching up with the villain and forcing him to give them the password they need to get Laurie's money back reveals the true meaning of love and sets Laurie into a new chapter of her life.

Glengarry Glen Ross (USED)

Glengarry Glen Ross (USED)

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Winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize, David Mamet's scalding comedy is about small-time, cutthroat real esate salesmen trying to grind out a living by pushing plots of land on reluctant buyers in a never-ending scramble for their fair share of the American dream. Here is Mamet at his very best, writing with brutal power about the tough life of tough characters who cajole, connive, wheedle, and wheel and deal for a piece of the action -- where closing a sale can mean a brand new cadillac but losing one can mean losing it all. This masterpiece of American drama is now a major motion picture starring Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, Alex Baldwain, Jonathan Pryce, Ed Harris, and Kevin Spacey.