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Bird Watch (USED)

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Books Do Furnish a Room (USED)

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Boston Harbor Islands (USED)

Boston Harbor Islands (USED)

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By the 1980s, Boston Harbor was arguably the most polluted in the United States and the islands were endangered. Today, after installation of a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant, beaches throughout the harbor are safe for swimming, and hundreds of species of flora and fauna abound. The Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area is a national success story. As a member of the National Park's advisory council, Sherman Pat Morss has been a student and photographer of the islands for over a decade. Perhaps no one has documented quite so fully or beautifully this extraordinary New England landmark.

Boston Inspirational Women; Photographs by Bill & Kerry Brett (USED)

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Boston: Cradle of Liberty (USED)

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Buddy's Tattoo Shop: Keeping America Beautiful -- Newport, RI (USED)

Buddy's Tattoo Shop: Keeping America Beautiful

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Buddy's Tattoo Shop: Keeping America Beautiful

Buddy's Tattoo Shop: Keeping America Beautiful

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This book is a collection of stories from our family tattoo business in memory of my father, artist Buddy Mott. I tattooed beside him for almost the last 30 years of his 59-year career in Newport, Rhode Island. I categorize my telling of these stories as an audiobook on paper, and if I had to rate it I'd give it a PG-13. Well, maybe PG-15...and a half.

In his early days back from WWII, this Army Veteran tattooed thousands of squids that came through the Navy port and shipped out all over the globe. Tattooed sailors on the move and the pride Buddy took in his artwork gave him the opportunity to become known worldwide. Newport in the late 1970s was being transformed into a tourist/sailing spot. Our father-daughters team tattooed customers from all walks of life (with or without motorcycles) now wanting to wear some permanent art. I'm pretty sure only one was a nun.

Included in the 195 pages are over 200 colored pictures, 67 stencils, some of our tattoo tips, trade secrets for fellow artists and tattoo collectors, plus some of the unusual and entertaining requests we got on a nightly basis.

-Marilyn Mott Tolleson

This book contains over 200 pictures and 67 stencils.

Buildings on paper: Rhode Island architectural drawings, 1825-1945 (USED)

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Buildings, Bridges, and Walls (USED)

Buildings, Bridges, and Walls (USED)

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Created in collaboration with Winsor & Newton, the world's leading supplier of art materials, this exciting new series of painting techniques and inspirational ideas is an asset for artists of every level of skill and experience. Packed with 6 complete, full-color demonstrations, each book aims to enhance artists' enjoyment of painting as well as broaden their techniques and skills.Readers will bring the architectural elements presented in this book into their paintings with ease. They'll learn techniques to help reproduce stunning buildings, bridges and walls that highlight their weathered and unusual charm. Whether painting from a city or countryside, artists can accent their watercolors with these structural touches through a range of fun approaches.

Cake Making and Decorating (USED)

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